Short answers to urgent questions regarding the Open Energy Platform (OEP) and other Open Energy Family(OEF) Members.
Search: How do I search for data on the OEP?#
The open energy database comes with search functionality. You can use the search bar for free text and / or combine this with tags that are presented next to the search bar as a drop-down menu. This will search through data and metadata and reduce the list of topics to the list where your search term(s) were found. Click on the topic name and then see all the tables that conform to your search term(s). Alternatively, you can click and open any topic and search within this topic in the same way. Here is a short tutorial with a visual on combining free text search and tags.
Clone: How do I clone the OEP?#
Cloning the OEP is described in the GitHub repository oeplatform.
Data download: How can I download data tables from the OEP without the need to use the API#
You can download data table as csv and as datapackage. It is really easy and described in this short tutorial.
Data upload: How can I upload data tables to the OEP when I am not familiar working with APIs?#
If you want to use an interface, you can upload data tables with our Upload Wizard. How to use it, is described in the corresponding Upload Wizard Tutorial.
If you would like to learn how to upload data tables with the API, we recommend our Beginners Guide (Section 2.1). This guide includes code snippets that you can use to get familiar to this approach.
Data upload: How can I upload data to the OEP using the API?#
You can read the API documentation and then build your custom queries for data upload. The Beginners Guide (Section 2.1) provides some code snippets if you want to take a short-cut.
Licenses: How do I find the license of a data table?#
Each table published on the OEP comes with metadata information attached. Metadata is displayed below the data table. If the contributor of the data table has provided the information, you will find the license under which you can re-use the data in the metadata under Licenses. Example: Global warming potentials from IPCC Assessment Reports. Look for this part of the metadata:
Metadata review: How can I contribute?#
Currently, the data review takes place in the GitHub repository data-preprocessing. If you are interested to support with reviews, please read the manual on data review and get in touch with us, so we can add you to the reviewer team. Please let us know your GitHub handle when you get in touch.
OEO development: How do I suggest a new term for the OEO?#
You can suggest new terms to the OEO by posting an issue in the GitHub repository ontology. We follow a certain discussion workflow and invite you to post issues based on this workflow. We also recommend to consult our How-to-participate guide on the OEO's Wiki.
OEP development: How can I contribute?#
The whole development process of the OEP is Open Source, thus anyone can contribute to the OEP development. To do so, please read the carefully.
About the question section#
Authors: Hannah Förster (Öko-Institut). Copyright: Öko-Institut (2022). License: CC BY 4.0. Attribution: Öko-Institut (2022): Questions. Last update: 2025-02-18