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  • README.rst
  • docs/
  • MkDocs
  • mkdocstrings


MkDocs is a fast and simple static site generator that is used for documentation.
The source files are written in Markdown, and configured with a single YAML configuration file mkdocs.yml.
Material theme enables additional features and an elegant design.


Install the required packages in a python environment.
pip install mkdocs install MkDocs
pip install mkdocs-material install the material theme


Generate the documentation.
mkdocs serve start the local live version of the documentation
mkdocs build create a folder site with the documentation



Publish documentation on GitHub Pages.
mkdocs gh-deploy manually deploys the documentation files

GitHub Action#

Deploy the documentation with GitHub Actions.
The file .github\workflows\gh-pages.yml creates an automated GitHub workflow.
It is configured to be pushed to the branch gh-page and then deployed online.
A commit on the production branch triggers the workflow.