This pages describes the key of OEMetadata version 2.0 .
You can have a look at an empty template and a filled out example of the metadata string.
The JSON format offers different formats:
* key-value pair:
* array:
* object {nested key}:
{"key": {
* array of objects {nested array}:
{"key": [
If a field is not applicable use: 'null'.
If a value is not yet available, use: 'ToDo'.
Collection Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1 |
name |
A filename or database conform collection name. |
oep_oemetadata |
Iron |
2 |
title |
A human readable collection name. |
OEP OEMetadata |
Silver |
3 |
id |
A unique identifier (UUID/DOI) for the collection. | |
Silver |
4 |
resources |
An array of objects of the resources. The collection can contain several (database) tables. |
Resource - Linked Data Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1 |
@id |
A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that links the resource via the OpenEnergyDatabus (DBpedia Databus). | |
Platinum |
2 |
@context |
Explanation of metadata keys in ontology terms. | |
Platinum |
Resource - General Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1 |
name |
A filename or database conform table name. |
oep_oemetadata_table_example |
Iron |
2 |
topics |
An array of predefined topics that correspond to the database schemas of the OEP. |
model_draft, reference |
Bronze |
3 |
title |
A human readable table name. |
OEP OEMetadata Example Table |
Silver |
4 |
path |
A unique identifier (URI/UUID/DOI) for the table or file. | |
Bronze |
5 |
description |
A description of the table. It should be usable as summary information for the table that is described by the metadata. |
Example table used to illustrate the OEMetadata structure and meaning. |
Silver |
6 |
languages |
An array of languages used within the described data structures (e.g. titles, descriptions). The language key can be repeated if more languages are used. Standard: IETF (BCP47) |
en-GB, de-DE, fr-FR |
Gold |
7 |
subject |
An array of objects that references to the subjects of the resource in ontology terms. |
7.1 |
name |
A class label of the ontology term. |
energy |
Platinum |
7.2 |
path |
A unique identifier (URI/IRI) of the ontology class. | |
Platinum |
8 |
keywords |
An array of freely selectable keywords that help with searching and structuring. The keyword are used and managed in the OEP as table tags. |
example, ODbL-1.0, NFDI4Energy |
Silver |
9 |
publicationDate |
A date of publication of the data or metadata. The date format is ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). |
2024-10-15 |
Bronze |
10 |
embargoPeriod |
An object that describes the embargo period during which public access to the data is not allowed. |
10.1 |
start |
The start date of the embargo period. The date of the data (metadata) upload. |
2024-10-11 |
Bronze |
10.2 |
end |
The end date of the embargo period. This is the envisioned publication date. |
2025-01-01 |
Bronze |
10.3 |
isActive |
A boolean key that indicates if the embargo period is currently active. Must be changed to False on the embargo period end date. |
True |
Bronze |
Resource - Context Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1 |
context |
An object that describes the general setting, environment, or project leading to the creation or maintenance of this dataset. In science this is can be the research project. |
1.1 |
title |
A title of the associated project. |
NFDI4Energy |
Gold |
1.2 |
homepage |
A URL of the project. | |
Gold |
1.3 |
documentation |
A URL of the project documentation. | |
Gold |
1.4 |
sourceCode |
A URL of the source code of the project. | |
Gold |
1.5 |
contact |
A reference to the creator or maintainer of the data set. It can be an email address or a GitHub handle. | |
Gold |
1.6 |
grantNo |
An identifying grant number. In case of a publicly funded project, this number is assigned by the funding agency. |
501865131 |
Gold |
1.7 |
fundingAgency |
A name of the entity providing the funding. This can be a government agency or a company. |
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) |
Gold |
1.8 |
fundingAgencyLogo |
A URL to the logo or image of the funding agency. | |
Gold |
1.9 |
publisherLogo |
A URL to the logo of the publishing agency of data. | |
Gold |
Resource - Spatial Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1 |
spatial |
An object that describes the spatial context of the data. |
1.1 |
location |
An object that describes a covered area or region. |
1.1.1 |
address |
An address of the location of the data. May be specified with street name, house number, zip code, and city name. |
Rudower Chaussee 12, 12489 Berlin |
Silver |
1.1.2 |
@id |
A path or URI to a specific location. It can use Wikidata or OpenStreetMap. | |
Platinum |
1.1.3 |
longitude |
The latitude (lat) information of the location. |
52.432822 |
Gold |
1.1.4 |
longitude |
The longitude (lon) information of the location. |
13.5351004 |
Gold |
1.2 |
extent |
An object that describes a covered area or region. |
1.2.1 |
name |
The name of the region. |
Berlin |
Silver |
1.2.2 |
@id |
A URI reference for the region. | |
Platinum |
1.2.3 |
resolutionValue |
The value of the resolution. |
100 |
Silver |
1.2.4 |
resolutionUnit |
The unit of the resolution. |
m |
Silver |
1.2.5 |
boundingBox |
The covered area specified by the coordinates of a bounding box. The format is [minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat] or [W,S,E,N]. |
[13.08825, 52.33859, 13.76104, 52.6754] |
Gold |
1.2.6 |
crs |
The Coordinate Reference System, specified as an EPSG code. |
EPSG:4326 |
Gold |
Resource - Temporal Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1 |
temporal |
An object with the time period covered in the data. Temporal information should contain either a "referenceDate" or the keys that describe a time series, in rare cases both. |
1.1 |
referenceDate |
A base year, month or day. The time for which the data is should be accurate. Date Format is ISO 8601. |
2020-01-01 |
Silver |
1.2 |
timeseries |
An array that describes the timeseries. |
1.2.1 |
start |
The start time of a time series. |
2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 |
Silver |
1.2.2 |
end |
The temporal end point of a time series. |
2020-01-01T23:59:30+00:00 |
Silver |
1.2.3 |
resolution |
The time span between individual information points in a time series. |
30 s |
Silver |
1.2.4 |
alignment |
An indicator of whether timestamps in a time series are to the left, right or in the centre. |
left |
Silver |
1.2.5 |
aggregationType |
An indicator of whether the values are a sum, an average or a current value. |
current |
Silver |
Resource - Sources Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1 |
sources |
An array of objects with the used and underlying sources of the data and metadata. |
1.1 |
title |
A human readable title of the source, a document title or organisation name. |
IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) - Climate Change 2023 - Synthesis Report |
Bronze |
1.2 |
description |
A free text description of the source. |
A Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
Bronze |
1.3 |
path |
A URL to the original source. | |
Bronze |
1.4 |
licenses |
An array of objects of licenses under which the described source is provided. See for further information. |
1.4.1 |
name |
The SPDX identifier. |
ODbL-1.0 |
Bronze |
1.4.2 |
title |
The official (human-readable) title of the license. |
Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0 |
Bronze |
1.4.3 |
path |
A link or path to the license text. | |
Bronze |
1.4.4 |
instruction |
A short description of rights and obligations. The use of tl;drLegal is recommended. |
You are free to share and change, but you must attribute, and share derivations under the same license. See for further information. |
Bronze |
1.4.5 |
attribution |
A copyright owner of the source. Must be provided if attribution licenses are used. |
© Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2023 |
Bronze |
1.4.6 |
copyrightStatement |
A link or path that proves that the source or data has the appropriate license. This can be a page number or website imprint. | |
Bronze |
Resource - Licenses Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1 |
licenses |
An array of objects of licenses under which the described data is provided. |
1.1 |
name |
The SPDX identifier. |
ODbL-1.0 |
Bronze |
1.2 |
title |
The official (human-readable) title of the license. |
Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0 |
Bronze |
1.3 |
path |
A link or path to the license text. | |
Bronze |
1.4 |
instruction |
A short description of rights and obligations. The use of tl;drLegal is recommended. |
You are free to share and change, but you must attribute, and share derivations under the same license. See for further information. |
Bronze |
1.5 |
attribution |
A copyright owner of the data. Must be provided if attribution licenses are used. |
© Reiner Lemoine Institut |
Bronze |
Resource - Provenance Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1 |
contributors |
An array of objects of the people or organizations who contributed to the data or metadata. |
1.1 |
title |
A full name of the contributor. |
Ludwig Hülk |
Bronze |
1.2 |
path |
A qualified link or path pointing to a relevant location online for the contributor. This can be the GitHub page or ORCID. | |
Bronze |
1.3 |
organization |
A string describing the organization this contributor is affiliated to. This can be relevant for the copyright. |
Reiner Lemoine Institut |
Bronze |
1.4 |
roles |
An array describing the roles of the contributor. A role is recommended to follow an established vocabulary, such as DataCite Metadata Schema’s contributorRole or CreDIT. Useful roles to indicate are: creator, contact, and dataCurator. |
creator, dataCurator |
Bronze |
1.5 |
date |
The date of the final contribution. Date Format is ISO 8601. |
2024-10-21 |
Bronze |
1.6 |
object |
The target of the contribution. This can be the data, the metadata or both (data and metadata). |
data and metadata |
Bronze |
1.7 |
comment |
A free-text commentary on what has been done. |
Add general context. |
Bronze |
Resource - Type Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1 |
type |
The 'table' type indicates that the resource is tabular as per 'Frictionless Tabular Data' definition. |
table |
Gold |
2 |
format |
A file extension format. Possible options are 'csv', 'xlsx', 'json', 'PostgreSQL', 'SQLite' and other standard file extensions. |
PostgreSQL |
Gold |
3 |
encoding |
Specifies the character encoding of the resource's data file. The default is 'UTF-8'. The values should be one of the 'Preferred MIME Names'. |
UTF-8 |
Gold |
Resource - Fields Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1 |
schema |
An object that describes the structure of a table. It contains all fields (columns of the table), the primary key and optional foreign keys. |
1.1 |
fields |
An array of objects that describes a field (column) and its detailed information. |
1.1.1 |
name |
The name of the field. The name may only consist of lowercase alphanumeric characters or underscores. It must not begin with a number or an underscore. |
year |
Iron |
1.1.2 |
description |
A text describing the field. |
Reference year for which the data were collected. |
Silver |
1.1.3 |
type |
The data type of the field. In case of a geom column in a database, also indicate the shape and CRS. |
geometry(Point, 4326) |
Iron |
1.1.4 |
nullable |
A boolean key to specify that a column can be nullable. True is the default value. |
True |
Iron |
1.1.5 |
unit |
The unit of a field. If it does not apply, use 'null'. If the unit is given in a separate field, reference this field (e.g. 'unit'). Use a space between numbers and units (100 m). |
MW |
Silver |
1.1.6 |
isAbout |
An array of objects that describes the field in ontology terms. |
| |
name |
The class label of the ontology term. |
wind energy converting unit |
Platinum | |
path |
The path of the ontology term (IRI). | |
Platinum |
1.1.7 |
valueReference |
An array of objects for an extended description of the values in the column in ontology terms. |
| |
value |
The name of the value in the column. |
onshore |
Platinum | |
name |
The class label of the ontology term in the column. |
onshore wind farm |
Platinum | |
path |
The path of the ontology term (IRI) in the column. | |
Platinum |
Resource - Properties Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
Badge |
1.2 |
primaryKey |
An array of fields that uniquely identifies each row in the table. The default value is the “id” column. |
id |
Iron |
1.3 |
foreignKeys |
An array of objects with foreign keys that describe a field that relates to a field in another table. |
1.3.1 |
fields |
An array of fields in the table that is constrained by the foreign key. |
id, version |
Iron |
1.3.2 |
reference |
The reference to the foreign table. |
| |
resource |
The referenced foreign table. |
model_draft.oep_oemetadata_table_example_version |
Iron | |
fields |
The foreign resource column. |
id, version |
Iron |
1.4 |
dialect |
The Dialect defines a simple format for describing the various dialects of CSV files in a language-independent manner. In a database, the values in the fields are 'null'. |
1.4.1 |
delimiter |
The delimiter specifies the character sequence which should separate fields (columns). Common characters are ',' (comma), ';' (semicolon), '.' (point) and '\t' (tab). |
, |
Iron |
1.4.2 |
decimalSeparator |
The symbol used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number written in decimal form. Depending on language and region this symbol can be '.' or ','. |
. |
Iron |
Resource - Review Keys
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
1. |
review |
The metadata on the OEP can go through an open peer review process. See the Academy course Open Peer Review for further information. |
1.1 |
path |
A link or path to the documented open peer review. | |
1.2 |
badge |
A badge of either Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum is used to label the quality of the metadata. |
Platinum |
# |
Key |
Description |
Example |
1 |
metaMetadata |
An object that describes the metadata themselves, their format, version and license. |
1.1 |
metadataVersion |
Type and version number of the metadata. |
OEMetadata-2.0 |
1.2 |
metadataLicense |
The license of the provided metadata. |
1.2.1 |
name |
The SPDX identifier. |
CC0-1.0 |
1.2.2 |
title |
The official (human-readable) title of the license. |
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
1.2.3 |
path |
A link or path to the license text. | |