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OEMetadata - Key Description#

This pages describes the key of OEMetadata version 2.0 .
You can have a look at an empty template and a filled out example of the metadata string.
The schema.json contains the complete metadata schema.

JSON Format#

The JSON format offers different formats:

  • key-value pair: JSON {"key":"value"}
  • array: JSON {"key": ["value","value"]}
  • object {nested key}: JSON {"key": { "key_a":"value", "key_b":"value"}}
  • array of objects {nested array}: JSON {"key": [ {"key_a":"value"}, {"key_a":"value"}]}

Metadata Keys#


The cardinality defines the number of times an element can occur.

  • [1] Mandatory
  • [0..1] Optional
  • [*] Multiple optional
  • [1..*] Mandatory and multiple optional


Badges indicate the priority of metadata keys.
They are implemented as part of the Open Peer Review Process.

Additional information:

If a field is not applicable use: null.
If a value is not yet available, use: ToDo.

Collection Keys#

1 name A filename or database conform dataset name. oep_oemetadata Iron [1]
2 title A human readable dataset name. OEP OEMetadata Bronze [0..1]
3 description A free text description of the dataset. A collection of tables for the OEMetadata examples. Bronze [0..1]
4 id A unique identifier (UUID/DOI) for the dataset. Silver [0..1]
5 resources An array of objects of the resources. The dataset can contain several (database) tables. [*]

Resource - Linked Data Keys#

1 @id A Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that links the resource via the OpenEnergyDatabus (DBpedia Databus). wri_global_power_plant_database Platinum [0..1]
2 @context Explanation of metadata keys in ontology terms. context.json Platinum [0..1]

Resource - General Keys#

1 name A filename or database conform table name. oep_oemetadata_table_example Iron [1]
2 topics An array of predefined topics that correspond to the database schemas of the OEP. model_draft, reference Bronze [*]
3 title A human readable table name. OEP OEMetadata Example Table Silver [0..1]
4 path A unique identifier (URI/UUID/DOI) for the table or file. model_draft/oep_oemetadata_table_example Bronze [0..1]
5 description A description of the table. It should be usable as summary information for the table that is described by the metadata. Example table used to illustrate the OEMetadata structure and meaning. Silver [0..1]
6 languages An array of languages used within the described data structures (e.g. titles, descriptions). The language key can be repeated if more languages are used. Standard: IETF (BCP47) en-GB, de-DE, fr-FR Gold [*]
7 subject An array of objects that references to the subjects of the resource in ontology terms. [*]
7.1 name A class label of the ontology term. energy Platinum [0..1]
7.2 @id A unique identifier (URI/IRI) of the ontology class. Platinum [0..1]
8 keywords An array of freely selectable keywords that help with searching and structuring. The keyword are used and managed in the OEP as table tags. example, ODbL-1.0, NFDI4Energy Silver [*]
9 publicationDate A date of publication of the data or metadata. The date format is ISO 8601 (YYYY-MM-DD). 2024-10-15 Bronze [0..1]
10 embargoPeriod An object that describes the embargo period during which public access to the data is not allowed. [0..1]
10.1 start The start date of the embargo period. The date of the data (metadata) upload. 2024-10-11 Bronze [0..1]
10.2 end The end date of the embargo period. This is the envisioned publication date. 2025-01-01 Bronze [0..1]
10.3 isActive A boolean key that indicates if the embargo period is currently active. Must be changed to False on the embargo period end date. True Bronze [0..1]

Resource - Context Keys#

1 context An object that describes the general setting, environment, or project leading to the creation or maintenance of this dataset. In science this is can be the research project. [0..1]
1.1 title A title of the associated project. NFDI4Energy Gold [0..1]
1.2 homepage A URL of the project. Gold [0..1]
1.3 documentation A URL of the project documentation. Gold [0..1]
1.4 sourceCode A URL of the source code of the project. Gold [0..1]
1.5 publisher The publishing agency of the data. This can be the OEP. Open Energy Platform (OEP) Gold [0..1]
1.6 publisherLogo A URL to the logo of the publishing agency of data. OpenEnergyFamily_Logo_OpenEnergyPlatform.svg Gold [0..1]
1.7 contact A reference to the creator or maintainer of the data set. It can be an email address or a GitHub handle. Gold [0..1]
1.8 fundingAgency A name of the entity providing the funding. This can be a government agency or a company. Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Gold [0..1]
1.9 fundingAgencyLogo A URL to the logo or image of the funding agency. DFG-logo-blau.svg Gold [0..1]
1.10 grantNo An identifying grant number. In case of a publicly funded project, this number is assigned by the funding agency. 501865131 Gold [0..1]

Resource - Spatial Keys#

1 spatial An object that describes the spatial context of the data. [0..1]
1.1 location An object that describes a covered area or region. [0..1]
1.1.1 address An address of the location of the data. May be specified with street name, house number, zip code, and city name. Rudower Chaussee 12, 12489 Berlin Silver [0..1]
1.1.2 @id A path or URI to a specific location. It can use Wikidata or OpenStreetMap. Platinum [0..1]
1.1.3 longitude The latitude (lat) information of the location. 52.432822 Gold [0..1]
1.1.4 longitude The longitude (lon) information of the location. 13.5351004 Gold [0..1]
1.2 extent An object that describes a covered area or region. [0..1]
1.2.1 name The name of the region. Berlin Silver [0..1]
1.2.2 @id A URI reference for the region. Platinum [0..1]
1.2.3 resolutionValue The value of the spatial resolution. 100 Silver [0..1]
1.2.4 resolutionUnit The unit of the spatial resolution. m Silver [0..1]
1.2.5 boundingBox The covered area specified by the coordinates of a bounding box. The format is [minLon, minLat, maxLon, maxLat] or [W,S,E,N]. [13.08825, 52.33859, 13.76104, 52.6754] Gold [*]
1.2.6 crs The Coordinate Reference System, specified as an EPSG code. EPSG:4326 Gold [0..1]

Resource - Temporal Keys#

1 temporal An object with the time period covered in the data. Temporal information should contain either a "referenceDate" or the keys that describe a time series, in rare cases both. [0..1]
1.1 referenceDate A base year, month or day. The time for which the data is should be accurate. Date Format is ISO 8601. 2020-01-01 Silver [0..1]
1.2 timeseries An array that describes the timeseries. [*]
1.2.1 start The start time of a time series. 2020-01-01T00:00:00+00:00 Silver [0..1]
1.2.2 end The temporal end point of a time series. 2020-01-01T23:59:30+00:00 Silver [0..1]
1.2.3 resolutionValue The time span between individual information points in a time series. The value of the resolution. 30 s Silver [0..1]
1.2.4 resolutionUnit The unit of the temporal resolution. 30 s Silver [0..1]
1.2.5 alignment An indicator of whether timestamps in a time series are to the left, right or in the centre. left Silver [0..1]
1.2.6 aggregationType An indicator of whether the values are a sum, an average or a current value. current Silver [0..1]

Resource - Sources Keys#

1 sources An array of objects with the used and underlying sources of the data and metadata. [*]
1.1 title A human readable title of the source, a document title or organisation name. IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) - Climate Change 2023 - Synthesis Report Bronze [0..1]
1.2 authors An array of the full names of the authors of the source material. Hoesung Lee,José Romero, The Core Writing Team Bronze [*]
1.3 description A free text description of the source. A Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Bronze [0..1]
1.4 publicationYear Indicates the year when the work was published. 2023 Bronze [0..1]
1.5 path A DOI or link to the original source. IPCC_AR6_SYR_FullVolume.pdf Bronze [0..1]
1.6 sourceLicenses An array of objects of licenses under which the described source is provided. See academy/courses/08_licensing for further information. [*]
1.6.1 name The SPDX identifier. ODbL-1.0 Bronze [0..1]
1.6.2 title The official (human-readable) title of the license. Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0 Bronze [0..1]
1.6.3 path A link or path to the license text. Bronze [0..1]
1.6.4 instruction A short description of rights and obligations. The use of tl;drLegal is recommended. You are free to share and change, but you must attribute, and share derivations under the same license. See for further information. Bronze [0..1]
1.6.5 attribution A copyright owner of the source. Must be provided if attribution licenses are used. © Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 2023 Bronze [0..1]
1.6.6 copyrightStatement A link or path that proves that the source or data has the appropriate license. This can be a page number or website imprint. Bronze [0..1]

Resource - Licenses Keys#

1 licenses An array of objects of licenses under which the described data is provided. [*]
1.1 name The SPDX identifier. ODbL-1.0 Bronze [0..1]
1.2 title The official (human-readable) title of the license. Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0 Bronze [0..1]
1.3 path A link or path to the license text. Bronze [0..1]
1.4 instruction A short description of rights and obligations. The use of tl;drLegal is recommended. You are free to share and change, but you must attribute, and share derivations under the same license. See for further information. Bronze [0..1]
1.5 attribution A copyright owner of the data. Must be provided if attribution licenses are used. © Reiner Lemoine Institut Bronze [0..1]
1.6 copyrightStatement A link or path that proves that the data has the appropriate license. This can be a page number or website imprint. Bronze [0..1]

Resource - Provenance Keys#

1 contributors An array of objects of the people or organizations who contributed to the data or metadata. Should have "Date of data creation" and "Date of metadata creation" [*]
1.1 title A full name of the contributor. Ludwig Hülk Bronze [0..1]
1.2 path A qualified link or path pointing to a relevant location online for the contributor. This can be the GitHub page or ORCID. Bronze [0..1]
1.3 organization A string describing the organization this contributor is affiliated to. This can be relevant for the copyright. Reiner Lemoine Institut Bronze [0..1]
1.4 roles An array describing the roles of the contributor. A role is recommended to follow the established vocabulary: DataCite Metadata Schema’s contributorRole. Useful roles to indicate are: DataCollector, ContactPerson, and DataCurator. DataCollector, DataCurator Bronze [*]
1.5 date The date of the final contribution. Date Format is ISO 8601. 2024-10-21 Bronze [0..1]
1.6 object The target of the contribution. This can be the data, the metadata or both (data and metadata). data and metadata Bronze [0..1]
1.7 comment A free-text commentary on what has been done. Add general context. Bronze [0..1]

Resource - Type Keys#

1 type The 'table' type indicates that the resource is tabular as per 'Frictionless Tabular Data' definition. table Gold [0..1]
2 format A file extension format. Possible options are 'csv', 'xlsx', 'json', 'PostgreSQL', 'SQLite' and other standard file extensions. PostgreSQL Gold [0..1]
3 encoding Specifies the character encoding of the resource's data file. The default is 'UTF-8'. The values should be one of the 'Preferred MIME Names'. UTF-8 Gold [0..1]

Resource - Fields Keys#

1 schema An object that describes the structure of a table. It contains all fields (columns of the table), the primary key and optional foreign keys. [1]
1.1 fields An array of objects that describes a field (column) and its detailed information. [1]
1.1.1 name The name of the field. The name may only consist of lowercase alphanumeric characters or underscores. It must not begin with a number or an underscore. year Iron [1]
1.1.2 description A text describing the field. Reference year for which the data were collected. Silver [0..1]
1.1.3 type The data type of the field. In case of a geom column in a database, also indicate the shape and CRS. geometry(Point, 4326) Iron [1]
1.1.4 nullable A boolean key to specify that a column can be nullable. True is the default value. True Iron [1]
1.1.5 unit The unit of a field. If it does not apply, use 'null'. If the unit is given in a separate field, reference this field (e.g. 'unit'). Use a space between numbers and units (100 m). MW Silver [0..1]
1.1.6 isAbout An array of objects that describes the field in ontology terms. [*] name The class label of the ontology term. wind energy converting unit Platinum [0..1] @id The path of the ontology term (IRI). OEO_00000044 Platinum [0..1]
1.1.7 valueReference An array of objects for an extended description of the values in the column in ontology terms. [*] value The name of the value in the column. onshore Platinum [0..1] name The class label of the ontology term in the column. onshore wind farm Platinum [0..1] @id The path of the ontology term (IRI) in the column. OEO_00000311 Platinum [0..1]

Resource - Properties Keys#

1.2 primaryKey An array of fields that uniquely identifies each row in the table. The default value is the “id” column. id Iron [1..*]
1.3 foreignKeys An array of objects with foreign keys that describe a field that relates to a field in another table. [*]
1.3.1 fields An array of fields in the table that is constrained by the foreign key. id, version Iron [*]
1.3.2 reference The reference to the foreign table. [0..1] resource The referenced foreign table. model_draft.oep_oemetadata_table_example_version Iron [0..1] fields The foreign resource column. id, version Iron [*]
1.4 dialect The Dialect defines a simple format for describing the various dialects of CSV files in a language-independent manner. In a database, the values in the fields are 'null'. [1]
1.4.1 delimiter The delimiter specifies the character sequence which should separate fields (columns). Common characters are ',' (comma), ';' (semicolon), '.' (point) and '\t' (tab). , Iron [1]
1.4.2 decimalSeparator The symbol used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number written in decimal form. Depending on language and region this symbol can be '.' or ','. . Iron [1]

Resource - Review Keys#

1. review The metadata on the OEP can go through an open peer review process. See the Academy course Open Peer Review for further information. [0..1]
1.1 path A link or path to the documented open peer review. open_peer_review/9 [0..1]
1.2 badge A badge of either Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum is used to label the quality of the metadata. Platinum [0..1]

MetaMetadata Keys#

1 metaMetadata An object that describes the metadata themselves, their format, version and license. [1]
1.1 metadataVersion Type and version number of the metadata. OEMetadata-2.0 [1]
1.2 metadataLicense The license of the provided metadata. [1]
1.2.1 name The SPDX identifier. CC0-1.0 [1]
1.2.2 title The official (human-readable) title of the license. Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal [1]
1.2.3 path A link or path to the license text. [1]