The codebase of open-dapro
builds upon several open-source frameworks:
- Dagster is a data pipelining tool. You can use it to define workflows based on python scripts and schedule their execution.
- dbt is a data transformation and testing tool. You can build modular sql-based data transformations and build data unit tests.
- PostGIS is an extension of PostgreSQL to handle geodata. It is used to save raw and transformed data sets.
- GeoServer is a tool to host OGC-conform APIs based on a Postgis database.
All of those tools have their own documentation pages. Make sure that you have a rough idea of their functionalities by checking their documentation pages.
flowchart LR
subgraph Dagster
id1.1("Dataset 1:
csv File")-->id2[(Postgis Database)]
id1.2("Dataset 2:
images")-->|Extract Information|id1.3(Tabular Data)
id1.5(Dataset 3, ...)-->id2
subgraph Database
id2-->|Transformation with dbt|id2
id2-->id3["Vizualization and Analysis
Using Python Scripts"]
subgraph GeoServer
id2-->id4(API: Geojson, WFS, WMS)