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GitHub offers a solid base for our community to communicate and collaborate.
We use the GitHub Discussions and GitHub Issues.

We have different GitHub Teams to coordinate the development.
The link provided above is accessible exclusively to members of our community. To gain an understanding of the teams and their respective responsibilities, we recommend reading our Developer Role overview.

If you want to participate in the development, we are happy to add you to the corresponding teams. Please contact us via the mailing list. You can also use the mailing list communicate any suggestions or new features for the OpenEnergyPlatform.

Please note to always follow the Code of Conduct on all channels

Contact Form#

The OEP offers a contact form as a direct channel for reaching out to our communication experts. Whether you have questions, feedback, suggestions, or collaboration inquiries, we welcome your message. Our team is committed to ensuring that your voice is heard and that your needs are met promptly and efficiently.

On the OEP Contact Form you'll find a user-friendly form where you can provide us with the necessary information. The more details you provide, the better we can understand your requirements and tailor our response accordingly.

Developer Meetings#

There are regular developer meetings which are open to everybody.


Every 2nd week, on Tuesdays, from 14:00 to 14:00 CEST.


Every 2nd week, on Thursday, from 10:00 - 12:00 CEST

Steering Committee Meetings#


Takes place on the second Thursday of every 2 months (uneven), from 13:00 to 14:00 CEST.
See the Community Management for more information.


Takes place on the second Thursday of every 2 months (even), from 13:00 to 14:00 CEST.
See the Community Management for more information.

Mailing Lists#

Our mailing lists are designed to keep you informed, inspired, and engaged with everything happening in the OEFamily. There are several lists for specific topics:


To sign up send an e-mail to the sign-up address.


Name Address Description Sign Up
OEP-Info oep-info (at) Info and Discussions oep-info-join (at)
OEP-Contact oep-contact (at) Communication Team
OEP-DEV oep-dev (at) Developers of the OEP


Name Address Description Sign Up
OEO-Info oeo-dev (at) Info and Discussions oep-info-join (at)
OEO-Contact oeo-contact (at) Communication Team
OEO-DEV oeo-dev (at) Developers of the OEO

Element (Matrix) Channels#

We use the [Element] ( Messenger for direct communication. Get in touch via the OEP-DEV list or by joining an oep-dev meeting to be invited to the corresponding group.


There are events and workshops at scientific conferences and research networks.
You can meet the developers in real life there.