Alix Agency(Qualitist/Consumer)#
- in late 40s
- no children (never wanted any)
- new to the government agency and under pressure to perform. The current work is very different to the prior one (worked at an NGO prior to joining the government agency)
- challenging to get used to the hierarchical nature of her new employer
- recently moved to the city where the agency is located and does not yet know many people
- likes to spend time alone
- gets frustrated by unnecessary or unexplained technical terms or systems (what is a git?) and clutter
- likes clear language and navigation
background / motivation#
- government agency employee
- needs to coordinate many projects that are delivered to the agency by different contractors
- works often under a lot of time pressure
- has to make informed decisions in little time
- Works mostly with Office products (PowerPoint) on Windows PC
- English: good
user stories#
- I as Alix Agency want to commission a study on Germany and quickly need to find information on institutions that created climate- and energy scenarios for Germany, find the corresponding studies and learn about the scenarios contained in these studies (SIROP). For that I need a powerful search engine, that finds institutions and their contributions to the OEP in a second.
- I as Alix Agency want to compare two models using the model and framework factsheets to decide on who to grant a contract. Therefore I need a quick overview of the factsheets that allows me to scan for relevant information (OEP).
- I as Alix Agency need to define how the data and metadata will need to be published in a research project, so that the requirements of my agency are fulfilled. For that I need a quick and easy overview how to contribute these data to the platform in a proper way to share with my contractors.
- I as Alix Agency need to confirm that a contractor provided the information to the OEP as stated in the contract, so that final payment can be made. For that I need a powerful search engine, that finds institutions and their contributions to the OEP in a second.
Bob Branch (Qualitist/Participant)#
- early 60s
- divorced, 2 children, 1 grandchild
- well established and published in his field
- cycles everywhere or takes the train
- lives a sustainable lifestyle since the beginning of his 20s (no car, no flying, vegetarian, lives in a commune)
- knows a lot about how the scientific field has evolved, wants to share knowledge
- likes participate in relevant contexts, but does not have the capacity to learn new skills (e.g. programming) for participating
- frustrated by lack of scientific standards (source attribution, ...)
- Interested in open data, but does struggle in applying open licenses
background / motivation#
- professor for environmental studies
- Works mostly with OpenOffice products and statistical tools like SPSS
- Has no background and basic understanding of licenses
- No experience with collaborative workflows (git, GitHub ...)
- English: ok
user stories#
I as Bob Branch want to add my models and studies as factsheets to the OEP in order to share my knowledge. For this I need an easy-to-use factsheet interface to add the information (OEP)
I as Bob Branch want to find information on scenario studies to see what's missing. Based on that I want to work out whether I can create a project proposal. I thus require comparable scenario factsheets that I can view online (one by one, or better next to one another for quick comparison) and that I can download (to read while travelling)
Charles Champion (Quantitist/Consumer)#
- beginning of 30s
- 1 child who lives at his ex-partner
- wants to save the world quickly and loudly
- was a math champion in school, but did not pursue a career in maths
- tends to focus more on pointing out problems rather than also suggesting solutions to them
- gets frustrated quickly and has diffculties to concentrate for longer than a couple of minutes
- immerses in excessive sports (triathlon etc.)
- frustrated by overwhelming complexity / too many details
- has +5000 followers on IG
background / motivation#
- climate activism NGO
- Works mostly collaboratively with cloud products (google docs) on his
- English: native
user stories#
I as Charles Champion want to quickly find scenario projection data and corresponding scenario descriptions to make a scenario projection comparison because I want to confirm my negative view on the world. For this I require a way (search?) on how to locate the appropriate data on the OEP. (SIROP)
I as Charles Champion want to share a "nice" graphic on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. This helps me share my view on the world with the world. For that I require the functionality to generate visualisations from selected data (possibly spread across more than one table). (SIROP)
Diana Dissertation (Quantitist/Participant)#
- mid 30s
- 1 toddler child, no partner, no family close by
- summa cum laude dissertation (cumulative)
- challenged with juggling child and work
- insecure about her own skills
- frustrated by unnecessary lengthy discussions and feels lost in them after a while
- is interested in contributing to climate change mitigation one step at a time
- tries to establish a scientific career, wants to systematically research economic and distributional effects of climate and energy policies and measures
- wants to publish in scientific journals but is frustrated by the time-lag from results to publication
background / motivation#
- Post doc in economics
- Works mostly with her macbook air and office products on Mac, has some experience with python and databases
- English: ok
user stories#
- I as Diana Dissertation want to compare economic assumptions (GDP, energy prices) that scenario projections based on the same scenario (e.g. WEM scenario) used as inputs. This helps to inform my own modelling. For that I need a way to find, filter and download (or compare online) the corresponding data that may reside in more than one table. (SIROP)
*I as Diana Dissertation want to add (economic and distributional) modelling results to the OEP and contribute economic aspects to the community. For that I require a step-by-step documentation in one place. (OEP)
I as Diana Dissertation want to contribute economic expertise to the OEO development. For that I need to quickly find on the OEP how I can join the OEO developer community. (OEP)
I as Diana Dissertation require data and metadata of high quality and provide my data respectively.
Mona Modeling (Quantitist/Participant)#
- Mid 30s
- 1 child, lives with husband in recently bought house
- summa cum laude dissertation (cumulative)
- mathematical mind, very organized worker
- manages work life balance together with her partner
- frustrated by unnecessary lengthy discussions and likes to come to the point
- wants to make a career at her institution, can imagine to have her own Team
- contributes to publicly funded scenario studies and wonders, how obligations to publish her results as open data affect her work
background / motivation#
- Works as junior scientist in energy systems modeling for a research institution
- Wants to foster energy system change to ensure the world stays a place to live in for her child
- Sees this also as a good career opportunity
- Programming skills
- Uses APIs to gather data for her models
- English fluently
user stories#
I as Mona Modeling want to quickly find and compare information on the latest models used in energy systems modeling, that I can use to see what's in the market and how I can improve my own models.
I as Mona Modeling want to upload information on my models and modelling results to the OEP in no time, so that I can fulfil the obligations from my funding agency regarding open science quickly. Therefore I need an intuitive and easy to use form or API.
I as Mona Modeling want to quickly find information on scenarios and connected data sets, that use a specific model or a set of models I'm interested in for its projections, so that I can better understand, how that model or set of models works. In addition want to be informed, when new information on a specific model I'im interested in, is published on the OEP, so that I am always aware of what is going on in the community.
I as Mona Modeling want to show what I am working on and get in touch with contributors to the OEP, that deal with models and topics I'm interested in, so that I can expand my professional network within my specific community. Therefore I'd like to create a profile on the OEP, that makes communication easy.
Elisa Energy (Apinist / Consumer)#
- 20s, no children, very social and outgoing
- a little scatter brained, does not remember where she documented things
- frustrated by lack of clear explanations or documentation on how to work with platforms
- requires documentation in one place, as otherwise she gets confused as to where the documentation is (see also bullet above)
background / motivation#
- university student in Renewable Energy Systems
- needs to fulfill assignment for her classes (energy model)
- experienced in R and some python, basic database literacy
- English: ok
user stories#
I as Elisa Energy want to use data from the OEP, e.g. MaStR data, as input for my regional energy system model as required by my curriculum. I thus need to identify whether there is proper data for me on the OEP. For this I require a suitable search functionality.
I as Elisa Energy want to connect my model directly to the data on the OEP as I do not want to download the data prior to running the model. This helps me stay focussed and not scatter the data on my computer. For doing this I need to find easily a good documentation of the API.
As Elisa Energy I am a newby to the OEP, but need to contribute to it as tasked by my research institute. I need to see easy ways to contribute to the Project or find a quick oversight that leads me to that point where I can contribute.
I have to create metadata for reseach data of my institute.
Fred Farbenblind (Apinist / Participant)#
- 30s, no children, slightly misanthropic
- color blind
- thinks that his way is oviously the best way
- likes well designed, standardized systems
- is an open source enthousiast, only writes code with GPL
- created two GitHub projects with open software and contributes to other great repos
- gets disoriented and angry when rules are broken
- frustrated by things not working as expected / promised
- likely to give up quickly if things don't work the way they should
background / motivation#
- data scientist / IT professional
- know their way around REST APIs, python, ...
- English: good
user stories#
- I as Fred Focus want to automate my data pipeline with the OEP API or oedialect. I thus need documentation of the OEP API.
- I as Fred Focus want to connect my web frontends to the OEP API. I thus need documentation of the OEP API.
- I as Fred Focus can help bugfix the OEP. I need to find out about how to contribute to OEP development.
- I as Fred Focus want to get all the metadata I can to work with. For that I need metadata of high quality and a proof for that.
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