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04 - Upload - Contribute data to the OEP#

Learn how to publish data on the OEP. You can provide feedback to this course on github:

For whom is this training and what can you learn?#

This course is aimed at researchers, no matter whether you have programming skills or not, who

  • want to publish their data on the OEP

After reading the sections of this training course you will be able to publish data

  • on the OEP using a visual interface - this is for those of you who do not want to program
  • on the OEP with the REST-full-HTTP API in python - this is for those of you who want to akquire some programming skills
  • using the oeclient or the OEP REST-API using python - this one is for those of you who can program already

How can I publish data to the OEP without programming skills?#

Upload tables as csv (tutorial):

This tutorial teaches you step-by-step on how to upload data from a .csv file to the OEP using the csv upload wizard.

How can I publish data to the OEP as a beginner interested in programming?#

, Beginners Guide: How to upload data to the OpenEnergy Platform and initiate the review process (tutorial):

This tutorial (also available as PDF) describes how to upload data to the OEP using Python and the REST-API. Several steps are needed to contribute actively to the platform. Some of these you only need to do once to get started. The steps described in this document are the following: Register at the OpenEnergy Platform, Register at github and get invited to the OpenEnergy Platform Group, Create data table(s) and upload data table(s), create metadata and upload metadata to github, initiate data review, create scenario factsheets.

How can I publish data to the OEP with programming skills?#

How to upload data (and metadata) using the API (tutorial:

This jupyter notebook tutorial provides you a quick way of having all the code at hand to upload your data and metadata to the OEP.

Use the OEP Client to upload data to the OEP (github link):

This is a link to github where the OEP Client resides, including the documentation. You can use the OEP Client to upload data to the OEP. Below are two more specific tutorials providing you with hands-on information to use the OEP Client.

Upload data using the OEP Client in a python script (tutorial):

This jupyter notebook tutorial provides you a quick way of having all the code at hand to use the OEP Client to upload your data and metadata to the OEP. You will use a python script.

Upload data using the OEP Client in the command line (tutorial):

This jupyter notebook tutorial provides you a quick way of having all the code at hand for using the OEP Client to upload your data and metadata to the OEP. You will use the command line.

About this course#
