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Create and upload table from csv using the platform wizard#


We are using the following example csv my_table.csv, exported from Excel using semicolon as a delimiter and encoded in utf-8.

1;9.446698;54.798648;01001;Flensburg;2008-01-01;89504;56.73;TRUE;POINT(9.446698 54.798648)
2;10.141397;54.338963;01002;Kiel;2006-01-01;247548;118.65;TRUE;POINT(10.141397 54.338963)
3;10.753957;53.873731;01003;Lübeck;2006-02-01;217198;214.19;TRUE;POINT(10.753957 53.873731)
4;9.990176;54.076646;01004;Neumünster;1970-04-26;79487;71.66;TRUE;POINT(9.990176 54.076646)
5;9.105109;54.138105;01051;Dithmarschen;2011-08-01;133210;1428.18;TRUE;POINT(9.105109 54.138105)
6;10.602975;53.617187;01053;Herzogtum Lauenburg;2009-01-01;197264;1263.07;TRUE;POINT(10.602975 53.617187)
7;8.691597;54.647511;01054;Nordfriesland;2016-01-01;165507;2083.53;TRUE;POINT(8.691597 54.647511)
8;10.860564;54.238161;01055;Ostholstein;2010-01-01;200581;1393;TRUE;POINT(10.860564 54.238161)
9;9.531033;53.709420;01056;Pinneberg;2009-01-01;314391;664.27;TRUE;POINT(9.531033 53.709420)
10;10.369426;54.251352;01057;Plön;2009-01-01;128647;1083.56;TRUE;POINT(10.369426 54.251352)

We are logged in on the open energy platform

Create table using the wizard#

  • On the platform go to the database section
  • Go to the Create Table section of the wizard.
  • enter a valid table name (only lowercase, only characters, number and underscore)
  • add your data columns with the appropriate postgresql data types
  • small popup windows give hints or explanation
  • the first column must always be a numerical type named id. The wizard has this as a default.
  • we don't have to use all the columns from the csv file and we also don#t have to use the same names, these can be mapped later. In this example, we use the following columns:
  • Click on Create table
  • if successful, you are redirected to upload section

Upload a csv file using the wizard#

  • The title shows the selected table name and the number of rows currently in it (you can upload multiple times)
  • You may specify the csv file encoding and delimiter character, or leave it blank for automatic detection (which may be wrong though). The Header checkbox is activated to indicate that the first line in the file contains column names.
  • You can click on Show example csv for current configuration to see an example snippet of a valid csv file for your table
  • Click on Browse and select your csv file from your local drive.
  • You can click on Show preview to see the first few lines of your file. This may help to detect encoding errors.

  • Map the columns from your csv file to the columns in your database. Columns with the same name are automatically filled out for you.
  • In our example, we ignore the columns center_lon, center_lat and area_km2 and rename rs to region_key
  • While you change the column mappings, the preview below shows the application of the mapping for the first few rows.

  • If everything checks out, click Upload

About this tutorial#


Author: Christian Winger (Öko-Institut). License: CC BY 4.0. Last update: 2024-04-25